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Jewelry Collection

The two small objects are rings, the other a necklace. All of these objects were given to me as gifts and all have different stories behind them.


This ring has a Celtic symbol to represent my heritage. It was given to me by my father when I was in middle school. Not only does this ring remind me of my Celtic heritage but also of my father. Since my father lives in Kansas, I don’t get to visit him very often. I have worn this ring every day since I received it so many years ago.

 This necklace was also given to me from my grandmother. My grandfather was known to wear a large silver belt buckle that was surrounded by turquoise stones. When he passed away the men in the family each got a ring of his, while each daughter and granddaughter got a special necklace. My grandmother had the silver from the belt buckle melted down and crafted into necklaces and each one got a single stone put in it. This necklace was one of the most special and meaningful gifts I have ever received. 


This ring is much younger than my Celtic one. It is a tradition in my family that every time a girl in the family graduates high school they are gifted a ring from my grandmother from my mom’s side of the family. This ring is like a mile marker for my life. It represents all of the work I put in to my education in order to graduate. It is also ties me back to my family as well.

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